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ADELAIDE – You are incredible!



As a new year dawns on us and we bid farewell to 2017 it’s imperative that we take some time to reflect on the year that has been. For MANABOUTADL it’s been a period of discovery as we went live with our venture. The lead up to the July launch was enjoyable chaos as I brought people together with genuine excitement that something I had been preparing for years was finally coming to fruition. I must admit that there was fear and anxiety that the Adelaide public will not engage with the concept. Thankfully I have been proven wrong and if it wasn’t for the supportive Adelaide community that we have, we would not be placed where we are today, just six short months since going live.

MANABOUTADL is comprised of a dedicated team who believe in our mantra of improving awareness about men’s health, wellness and culture in Adelaide. I am humbled by the extreme efforts that each team member has exhibited, and this is reflected in the quality articles that have been published to date. To my team – thank you so much for working through challenges with and for me and your unwavering dedication.  I am excitedly looking forward to what 2018 and beyond brings. I must make special mention to Vashti Starling and Kirsty Roach who have been instrumental in ensuring that we have a very well-oiled machine. Without their grit and determination, things may have fallen apart. They have kept the group motivated and inspired to continue to achieve greatness.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Adelaide community. From the businesses and individuals, we have worked with and reviewed to the amazing influencer community we have here in this city – what a massive 6 months we have had. We have met some amazing changemakers who are passionate about promoting Adelaide. This city has a blindingly bright future because of the people that live here. There is so much happening, or in the pipeline, and it’s because of who we are, out there, making a difference to our society. We’ve also had the pleasure of attending events where we have been able to network, get to know and be inspired by other business owners.

Some 2017 highlights include:

  • Being featured in ‘The City’ Newspaper editorial about our venture.

  • Becoming incorporated as a Company.

  • Being listed on the ‘chooses’ business directory.

  • Pumping out more than 100 + articles.

  • Increasing our presence over social media platforms.

  • Being invited to the Perks Business Boost Awards event.

  • Creating and being involved in some exciting collaborations.

  • Relaunching our website with a refresh just 4 months from initial launch.

As the CEO of MANABOUTADL Pty. Ltd I am immensely proud of what my team and I have achieved in such a brief period of time. These achievements now set us up for a bumper 2018.

I see next year as somewhat of a breakout year for MANABOUTADL as we have been trying to find our feet and our place in the past 6 months. As we move into 2018 I want to reassure everyone that we are committed to continuing to achieve greatness. Our values incorporate restoring civic pride and raising the awareness and profile of men’s health, which is the DNA of our mission for MANABOUTADL in 2018 and beyond; raise awareness and improve men’s emotional health and wellness.

I would like to conclude by thanking each and everyone of you for your support and guidance over the past six months. I trust that you will all have a Happy New Year. Please stay safe and we will see you next year in 2018. Adelaide – You are amazing.

Eric Cruz

CEO and Founder of MANABOUTADL Pty. Ltd


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