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SA stepped up to the plate on Thursday to deliver the second day of the South Start Conference, with this year’s flavour of going global.

What a line up! The speakers left no stone unturned with insightful information for the entrepreneur, focussing on the ‘How to’, getting your startup off the ground and becoming successful.

Every presenter highlighted their passion for making a change and reinforced the need for having a purpose in making your vision a reality, as your purpose will keep you and your team dedicated.

We heard from Dr Jordan Nguyen founder of Pyskinetic, showcasing his amazing work creating mobility solutions to increase independence and the quality of life for people with disabilities. He went on to share his stories of Riley and Jessica, both born with cerebral palsy and how his company was able to develop technology to assist Riley drive a car and Jessica play instrument’s with the movements of their eyes.

Each speaker was equally as impressive as the next, highlighting their journeys and passion to make a change.

Flavia Nardini took it to the next level with her company FLEET focussing on space. They are creating a network of micro satellites to connect everything. When they say everything, they mean everything, 60 billion devices to come online is what they seek to connect, creating smart cities and improving efficiency across the globe.

By saying I was pumped leaving the conference is an understatement, I couldn’t help but feel the buzz of excitement radiating from the room. It is clear that SA is in for a real boost, the focus and backing from the State Government will shape Adelaide into an innovation Hub of Australia.

You can check out the great work of Dr Jordan Nguyen – Becoming Superhuman and Flavia’s vision at

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